Cine y citas

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El martes fuimos con Laura a ver Corpse bride: +0. Salí con la certeza de saber quién quiero que dirija la espero-que-alguna-vez-se-haga película sobre Monkey Island.

Y entre trailer y trailer pasaron una de las mejores propagandas que ví en los últimos tiempos (especialmente en el cine). Es la de Compumundo, no les doy más datos. Cuando la vean, acuérdense, :D.


In truth, we use 'j' to represent sqrt(-1) for exactly the same reason we use a convention for the direction of current which is exactly the opposite of the direction the electrons actually travel: because it drives physicists crazy. (And if we pick up a few mathematicians or whatever along the way, well, that's just gravy. ;-) Grant R. Griffin, 14 May 2000

The comp.lang.python newsgroup erupted last week with a flurry of posts that accused the Python development team of creeping featurism, selling out the language to corporate interests, moving too fast, and turning a deaf ear to the Python community. What triggered this lava flow of accusations? The development team accepted a proposal to change the syntax of the print statement. Stephen Figgins, 30 Aug 2000

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